Microsoft heeft vandaag de preview versie van de Xbox One juni update uitgerold. Deze preview versie is beschikbaar voor mensen die zich aangemeld hebben om de update te testen. In de release note die Microsoft heeft uitgebracht, is te lezen wat de update allemaal met zich mee zal brengen. We kopiëren dit even van de officiële release note.


External Storage for your Games and Apps. This has been a much requested feature, and it’s here! With the June update preview, you can connect up to two external hard drives to use as extra storage for your Xbox One console. We have a detailed list of how to use this feature here, and you can discuss everything external storage related in the External Storage on Xbox One forums. Don’t forget to check out the FAQ!

Real Name Sharing: Now you can share your real name with your friends, and even with your friends-of-friends. Don’t worry though, you’re in total control – share your name with your entire friends list, or just a few. The next time you open the Friends app, you’ll receive a setup prompt. If you don’t receive the prompt, you can also access the setup by selecting My profile and Share real name.

Auto Sign-In. You requested this, and now you have it! With Auto-Sign In, you can now select an account to sign in automatically when you turn on your Xbox One. To enable this option, navigate to Settings > Preferences > Instant sign-in, and choose the account you wish to sign in automatically. The next time you turn on the system, you’ll be signed-in from the get-go!

Updated Store for Home. The Xbox Store has been redesigned and now includes featured content front and center with Game, Movie, Music, and App categories to the right. The search bar has also been moved, and it’s now an icon under the categories at the far right.


Zoals je ziet brengt de update dus onder andere de mogelijkheid met zich mee om een externe harde schijf aan te sluiten, en je echte naam te delen met vrienden of ‘vrienden van vrienden’.

Wanneer de update exact beschikbaar wordt gemaakt voor het grote publiek, is nog niet bekend. Verwacht wordt dat dit begin juni zal zijn.